Sticky Breed is a rock band which was created in 1975 in Larnaca, Cyprus by a group of teenage students.

Sticky Breed has dominated the rock scene in Cyprus between 1975 to 1977. The band members were Stelios Stylianou (Stylex)as the lead singer, Andros Pastas lead guitarist, Neoclis Nicolaou bass, Mimis Fantousis, rhythm guitar, and Andreas Pyrgos drums. The band was playing every Saturday evening at the Four Lanterns hotel in Larnaca. This venue was the popular spot for Larnacas teenage students and young adults. During this period the group performed in a number of venues in other towns and also featured in numerous rock band competitions in Nicosia and Limassol. Sticky Breed stopped performing in July 1977 when three of their members had to join the Army in order to do their compulsory conscript service.

Sticky Breed Today

The band was reunited after 37 years on the 30th of April 2014. They gave a re-union concert in Larnaca with great success and promised their funs that they would be performing regularly. The next concert was on the 15th of December 2021 at the Skala Theater in Larnaca. This concert was dedicated to one of the bands member, Mimis Fantousis, who passed away earlier that year from Covid-related complications. In that concert Alexia Vasiliou participated as a guest star in recognition of the role that Sticky Breed played in the teenage music scene back in the seventies.

Recent Performances

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